Tuesday, 25 October 2016


A state wide campaign highlighting the key benefits that will be lost under the NSW Government's proposed changes to CTP Green Slip Insurance has been launched by the Law Society of NSW.

"CTP Changes Adding Insult to Injury" aims to increase public understanding of the key benefits currently covered by their CTP Green Slip insurance.

President of the Law Society of NSW, Gary Ulman, said that behind the headline of reducing premiums, the Government is set to slash cover.

"Only a few people in the community are aware what little coverage and support they will get if under the proposed changes that are due before Parliament in a matter of days," he said.

"In most cases benefits will be slashed after as little as five years, including compensation for past and future lost earnings, medical treatment expenses, and family care and support - all of which is available under the current CTP Green Slip scheme.”

Mr Ulman said that under the proposals, for example, loss of earnings will be restricted to 5 years and capped at 1.5 time Average Weekly earnings.

"This is particularly harsh for those who are injured but who have a long working life ahead of them. It also singles out those who rely on their physical fitness to earn a living - such as tradies," Mr Ulman said.

"Under the proposed scheme most benefits will also be drip-fed to injured motorists by the insurers and based on a complex and rigid system that doesn't take account of people's personal or family circumstances," he said.
Mr Ulman said the scheme also restricts access to legal assistance will also be denied for up to 90 per cent of injured motorists.

"Injured motorists should be able to access expert help to get the benefits they deserve and not left to fend for themselves against well trained insurance company representatives," he said.

The Law Society of NSW and other stakeholder have put together an alternative proposal that will reduce fraudulent claims and deliver savings on CTP green slip insurance without slashing the benefits of injured motorists and their families.

For further information contact us.

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